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Separation rate | The separation rate defines the ratio between the solids introduced and those filtered out. The separation rate of PureFlow is far above the value of known filter media. |
Activated carbon |
Activated carbon is used as an adsorbent in water treatment and only needs to be exposed to a flow. During filtration, the substances to be removed are absorbed by the activated carbon and enriched in the carbon mass. As activated carbon is consumed and mixed, we recommend placing it in a container upstream or downstream of the filter vessel. According to DIN 19643, various processes are available to effectively reduce the concentration of combined chlorine, THM and AOX - Powder activated carbon dosing in the volume flow of the treatment system - Multi-layer filtration with activated carbon - lignite coke (filter carbon H) - Multi-layer filtration with activated carbon - Grain activated carbon according to DIN 19643-5 (Stuttgart method) PureFlow can be used with activated carbon at any time without hesitation. See also: |
Algae |
Algae are caused by too little algaecide, after a long filter standstill or if the filter time is too short. Green algae are not pretty and are a challenge for every pool owner every year. There are over 4,000 different species, many of which are in the nano range and therefore cannot be filtered by any filter material. The development of green algae depends on factors such as garden vegetation, temperature and sunlight. For all green algae that cannot be filtered due to their size, you need an algae flocculant. The flocculant binds the algae into larger, filterable particles. With our PureFlow POOL filter material, you can eliminate the algae problem and have crystal-clear water again in a short time. Please proceed as follows: 1. thoroughly clean the floor and walls with a basin brush and swirl up any deposits 2. Adjust the pH value If you use algae prevention as a preventative measure, you can not only reduce the dosage of disinfectant, but also prevent stubborn algae infestation. The dosage of algae prevention is simple and is added directly to the pool on a weekly basis. If your pool is already affected by algae infestation, algaecide is often not enough. Basic cleaning of the pool, filter backwashing and shock chlorination may also be necessary. Then dose the algicide and run the filter pump continuously for at least one day until the water is clear. |
Precoat filter | In this technique, the filter aid diatomaceous earth is used and placed on a filter cloth. The disadvantage is that flocculants are not required, as the surface of the filter cake quickly becomes impermeable due to flocculation reaction products such as iron or aluminum hydroxide. Furthermore, it is not possible to remove phosphate from the raw water. |
Application | PureFlow offers innovative filter solutions for pools, public pools, aquariums, swimming and natural ponds, whirlpools, quick-up pools, frame pools, infinity pools, water reservoirs, gutters, fountains, streams and many other areas. |
Aquarium | PureFlow is ideal for the filtration of freshwater and saltwater aquariums without affecting the special biological habitat of the fish |
Biofouling | The field of microbiology includes fungi, viruses, germs and bacteria. These have a size in the nano range and cause biofouling. Chlorine, chlorine gas, UV light, salt, etc. are indispensable for regulating microbiology and disinfection. It is important to monitor the microbiological load regularly. |
Chemicals | PureFlow can be used together with all common pool chemicals. The PureFlow fiber material has no effect on the chemical composition of the swimming pool water and is resistant to a wide range of chemical products. |
Chlorine consumption | Chlorine reacts (oxidizes) with organic and inorganic substances. This results in the consumption of the added chlorine (chlorine depletion). Used chlorine must be replaced. Chlorine depletion is also caused by UV radiation. This process can be slowed down by adding a stabilizer, such as cyanuric acid. However, this has a negative effect on water disinfection. As with sand, bound chlorine is broken down by filtration and backwashing |
Cyanuric acid | Although cyanuric acid slows down the breakdown of chlorine and therefore ensures longer-lasting disinfection, cyanuric acid also reduces the effectiveness of chlorine, flocculants and algaecides. These even become largely ineffective. This can lead to irreparable algae build-up and can result in the need to change the water, including extensive pool cleaning |
Disinfection |
As soon as the temperatures rise and we look forward to the pool season, bacteria, fungi and germs multiply in the water. These not only cause cloudiness, deposits and unpleasant odors, they also pose a health risk. This is why water disinfection is an essential step in the pool maintenance program. You can choose between different methods. The most popular include chlorine, active oxygen or bromine. Chlorine is the most commonly used method for destroying germs. It is reliable, economical, easy to dose and ensures hygienically perfect water quality. With constant care and a chlorine content of between 0.5 and 1.0 mm/l, you are optimally protected. Active oxygen disinfection is particularly gentle on skin, eyes and hair and promises ideal water hygiene when dosed carefully. For comprehensive protection, an activator is used in addition to the oxygen agent to enhance its effectiveness. Depending on the product, we recommend an initial oxygen content of 5.0 - 8.0 mg/l in the pool, which you can measure 2 hours after adding the product. Brohm is similar to disinfection with chlorine, but the typical chlorine odor is avoided and the disinfectant is milder. The recommended concentration varies depending on the manufacturer, but should be between 1 and 3 mg/l. Please take care when using biocidal products. Always read the label and product information before use! |
Sealing seat | PureFlow ensures a complete filter layer after every backwash. It rearranges itself in the boiler and condenses during filtration to form a self-contained filter. So-called bypasses, through which unfiltered water can flow, are eliminated. |
DIN standard |
Although DIN standards are based on the results of science, technology and experience, they are recommendations that do not necessarily have to be adhered to. DIN standards are "private regulations with the character of recommendations" and do not take into account any current technical innovations or new developments. As it takes several years to define a standard, DIN standards are not always up-to-date and can sometimes be far behind the current state of the art. DIN 19643 applies to public pools and also regulates filters and filter construction, among other things. The decisive factor according to DIN is compliance with the required quality of the bathing water. This must be ensured by regular microbiological tests. |
Waste disposal | PureFlow is a 100% recyclable single-material component and can simply be disposed of with household waste. |
Fixed bed filter | Flushable rapid filters are used as single-layer or multi-layer filters for water treatment in swimming pools. The structure of fixed-bed filters always follows the same pouring pattern. The support layer of filter gravel is located on the nozzle base. According to DIN 19623, the support layer consists of filter gravel with a grain size of 2-8 mm. The support layer prevents fine filter gravel from entering the openings of the filter nozzles. DIN 19643 recommends a filter layer of > 0.9 m for open high-speed filters, with a maximum filter speed of 12 m/h. For closed rapid filters, the layer height is increased to 1.2 m or more with a maximum filter speed of 30 m/h for fresh water and 20 m/h for seawater and brackish water with more than 2 g salt/l. For proper filter flushing, at least 25% of the filter material height plus 0.2 m must be kept free for the freeboard. |
Strength | The strength / stability of the PES fiber material PureFlow in continuous operation is very high and thus allows an equally high and strong flow velocity |
Filter cartridge | With PureFlow filter cartridges, you become manufacturer-independent and increase the filter volume of your system by up to 250 times. This significantly improves your water quality. PureFlow filter cartridges are quick and easy to wash out. Our PureFlow filters fill their filter chamber to 100%. |
Filter sand/glass | Sand is the most widely used filter element in the world. Sand owes this fact to its historical development and worldwide availability. However, sand and glass filter materials actually have the following disadvantages in filtration processes. Both materials are rough and therefore offer an ideal surface for the colonization of microbiology. Sand clumps together and hardens due to organic and inorganic contamination and chemicals. This forms channels through which water can flow unfiltered. Sand also has a low separation efficiency. Fine dirt particles below 50 µ are hardly filtered out. The use of large quantities of chemicals is essential. However, these chemicals are absorbed through the skin. Grains of sand and glass splinters get into pipes, pumps, stopcocks and the pool. This leads to deposits, the accumulation of dirt particles, blockages and even pump and gearbox defects. This results in damage with high follow-up costs and repairs. Wet sand is heavy and most of it is not broken up and flushed around during backwashing. This only happens on the surface of the filter layer. Contaminants therefore remain in the sand filter and are not flushed out. In addition, replacing sand or glass filter material is laborious and time-consuming. The disposal of chlorine-wetted sand as well as the disposal of glass filter material is cost-intensive. The finest glass splinters can be ingested, inhaled or swallowed unnoticed via the eye sockets, nose, mouth, etc. and thus lead to considerable damage to health Sand and glass filter material is abrasive and damages the inner walls of filter vessels as well as nozzles and other units. |
Filter replacement | A filter change from sand or glass filter material to PureFlow is possible at any time |
Filter selectivity | Compared to sand or glass filter material, the separation efficiency of PureFlow is many times higher. With a dirt particle size of 30 microns, sand and glass filters only achieve a separation efficiency of approx. 51 - 54 % in contrast to PureFlow with 99.8 %. For this reason, you need far fewer chemicals for filtration with PureFlow. Not only do you save costs and improve water quality, you also reduce the absorption of chemicals through the skin. |
Filter contamination | Bei der Filtration lagern sich organische Substanzen und Mikroorganismen aus dem Beckenwasser auf dem Filtermaterial ab. Diese führen zu einer Filterverkeimung. Filter aus porigem Material mit rauer Oberfläche sind für die Ansiedlung von Mikroorganismen besonders anfällig. Eine Beseitigung einer Filterbettverkeimung durch Stoßchlorung, Chlordioxid oder Ozon zeigt durch den schnellen Abbau der Verbindungen durch Aktivkohle häufig nicht das gewünschte Ergebnis. Eine oft erfolgreiche Desinfektion erfolgt durch Säure (pH-Wert < 2), Lauge oder Erhitzung. Eine Empfehlung zur wirksamen Reduzierung von gebundenem Chlor und THM im Beckenwasser verspricht das Stuttgarter Verfahren (siehe DIN 19643-5) |
Filter time | The pump running time should be set so that your total water volume is circulated at least 3-4 times per day. In the event of particular contamination, e.g. pollen or algae infestation, please increase this to 4-5 times per day. Please refer to the instructions for your appliance for the filter capacity per hour. |
Filtration |
The model for filtration is groundwater purification in nature. Here, water flows through the soil layers and these remove particulate matter such as sinking, suspended and floating matter with a particle size of > 1 µm. Filtration is therefore the treatment of water by removing contaminants such as fibers, skin particles, pollen dust, colloids, microorganisms and dissolved compounds through physical and chemical processes. With increasing separation of contaminants, the filter performance and thus the quality of the filtrate is reduced over time. Filtered contaminants must therefore be rinsed out regularly and in good time. To prevent the risk of filter bed contamination and to remove the formation partners for bound chlorine, the filter must be rinsed in regular cycles. The result of filtration depends largely on how quickly contaminated water flows through the filter bed. The filter speed is calculated from the diameter of the filter tank, the cross-sectional area and the water flow rate. Depending on the application, an optimum filter speed is in the range of 0.5 - 50 m/h. If contaminants can no longer be filtered out due to their microscopic size, flocculants are used. Flocculants bind the smallest, non-filterable particles together to form larger particles so that they can be filtered. |
Flocculation | Flockungsmittel verbinden kleinste, nicht filtrierbare Stoffe zu größeren, filtrierbaren Stoffen und lagern diese auf der oberen Filterschicht ab. Dadurch dringen sie weniger tief in den Filter ein und bleiben leichter ausspülbar. Aufgrund der wesentlich höheren Trennschärfe gegenüber Sand- bzw. Glasfiltermaterial kann bei PureFlow auf eine regelmäßige Zugabe von chemischen Flockungsmitteln weitestgehend verzichtet werden. Verwenden Sie Flockungsmittel, wenn eine Schockchlorung erfolglos blieb und zunächst in geringer Menge. Durch Flockungsfiltration in der Schwimm- und Badewasseraufbereitung lassen sich feinverteilte Stoffe wie auch kolloidal gelöste organische Verbindungen von < 1 µm abfiltern. Zudem lassen sich von den „echt“ gelösten Stoffen das Phosphat durch Bildung unlöslicher Verbindungen, z.B. Aluminiumphosphat, nahezu vollständig aus dem Rohwasser entfernen. Gelöste Stoffe wie gebundenes Chlor oder Trihalogenmethane (THM) können nicht durch Flockung filtriert werden. Eine Reduzierung wird erst durch Adsorption an Aktivkohle möglich. |
Freiboard | The freeboard is the free space in the filter bowl above the filter material. |
Free chlorine | Free, unused chlorine can hardly be detected by smell, even in higher concentrations. In Germany, the water quality of swimming pools is regulated in accordance with DIN 19643. According to this standard, there must be 0.3 to 0.6 mg of free chlorine per liter of swimming water in the pool. In whirlpools 0.7 to 1.0 mg per liter. |
Bound chlorine | Swimming pools are disinfected with chlorine to protect bathers from pathogens. The aim of water treatment is to provide pool water that is safe in terms of epidemic hygiene. Studies show that there are no practicable alternatives to the disinfectant chlorine. However, chlorination produces unavoidable by-products due to the reaction of the hypochlorous acid with the ingredients of the filling water and the substances introduced by bathers. Combined chlorine does not decompose independently in the water. Too high a content (from 0.2ppm) must be oxidized by shock chlorination (6-8 times the amount). Chloramines "combined chlorine" are produced by reaction with ammonia and amines and cause the typical indoor pool odor which is often mistakenly referred to as chlorine odor. As chloramines can cause irritation to the eyes and mucous membranes, the maximum concentration in clean water and pool water was limited to 0.2 mg/l of combined chlorine in DIN 19643 from April 1997. The chlorine in the water also reacts with pollutants that bathers carry into the water (sweat, urine, skin flakes, etc.) An average of 0.16 grams of urea per bather enters the bathing water when the skin is rinsed out. Bound chlorine can also be destroyed by UV radiation. Disadvantage: Trihalomethanes (THM) are also formed in the process. Trihalomethanes are by-products of disinfection or water treatment in swimming pools with chlorine. THMs are only relevant in indoor pools. In outdoor pools, the gases directly above the water surface volatilize immediately. Limit values have been set for the substances dichloromethane, bromine dichloromethane, dibromochloromethane and tribromomethane as a sum (THM content). THMs irritate the eyes, nose, throat and bronchial tubes. The THM content must be permanently monitored analytically. The limit value for drinking water is 0.05 mg/L in the distribution network and 0.01 mg/L at the outlet. If the limit value is exceeded, disinfection with chlorine dioxide is recommended. No halogenation occurs here. Filtration with PureFlow PES fiber material significantly reduces the need for chlorine and therefore also the formation of THM. |
Coarse dirt | PureFlow is a highly efficient fine filter system for increasing and maintaining excellent water quality. If you have neglected your pool for a long period of time and your pool water is heavily contaminated, it may be necessary to clean it thoroughly or replace the water. |
Green water |
Cause: Algae growth due to insufficient algaecide or after a long standstill or too short a filter time Solution: 1. thoroughly clean the floor and walls with a pool brush Green algae are not pretty and are always a small challenge for every pool owner every year. There are over 4,000 different species, many of which are in the nano range and therefore cannot be filtered by any filter material. The development of green algae depends on many factors, such as garden vegetation, temperature and sunlight. For all green algae that cannot be filtered due to their size, you need an algae flocculant. The flocculant binds the algae into larger, filterable particles. With our PureFlow POOL filter material you can eliminate the algae problem and have crystal clear water again in a short time. |
Help | If you need further assistance, we are at your disposal. Please contact us by e-mail at or by telephone on +49 9251 3081. We look forward to hearing from you. |
Quantity |
Basically, you need approx. 10 - 12g PureFlow instead of 1 kg of filter sand. Please only fill your filter tank to a maximum of 75% so that PureFlow has enough space to flush through the filter tank. The initially loose overlapping segments create cavities. Please remove these. On our website you will find a calculation tool and, of course, we will also be happy to help you personally. |
Microbiology | Microorganisms are tiny organisms that are invisible to the eye but can be found everywhere: in water, in the soil, in the air, on or in living and dead organisms, etc. Most microorganisms are very useful. The humus formed by microorganisms is a valuable nutrient for plants. The microorganisms present in water convert waste into useful substances. Human and animal digestion requires a diverse range of bacteria. Many foodstuffs, luxury foods and medicines are produced by microbial metabolic processes, e.g. cheese, yoghurt, bread, wine and vinegar. The majority of microorganisms are harmless to our health. However, a small proportion of them can cause diseases; such microorganisms are known as "pathogenic". If these pathogenic microorganisms cause a disease, this process is called "infection". Microorganisms are divided into four groups: fungi, viruses, germs, bacteria and parasites, and the size of the microorganisms varies greatly. The smallest viruses are only about one nanometer in size. Personal hygiene and personal hygiene behaviour, handling of clean and unclean zones, wet zones, dry zones, temperature, shelf life, room hygiene, cleaning and disinfection all influence the occurrence and multiplication of microorganisms. In addition to chemical and physical influences, temperature is the most important external factor affecting the life, survival and reproduction of microbes. Cold does not usually kill microorganisms, but only inhibits their multiplication. Heat promotes the growth of microbes. Most microorganisms multiply fastest between +20°C and +40°C. Under optimal conditions, bacteria such as "Escherichia coli" double in size every 20 minutes. A simple calculation shows that in this way a single "E. coli bacterium" can produce over 16 million offspring within eight hours. Most bacteria are inactivated and killed by heat from around +62°C upwards. However, some spore species can survive this heat treatment and are only definitively destroyed at +134°C. |
Milky water |
Cause: There are scattered limescale or dirt particles in the water Solution: 1. Adjust the pH value Recommendation: Your online store for pool filters, water care and more! ( |
Useful life |
The service life of filter material depends on
For reasons of hygiene and health, we recommend regular cleaning and an appropriate and timely replacement of the filter material, as dirt particles remain in every filter even after regular backwashing. At the end of the season and for winter storage, the filter should be emptied and cleaned. |
Ozone | Activated carbon reduces ozone. Ozone is also broken down by filtration. PureFlow also reduces ozone. |
Particles | The separation of particles in the flowed-on filter medium PES fiber material PureFlow takes place by backwashing, as with sand filter systems. |
Care | PureFlow ensures excellent water quality. But that alone is not enough. Regular pool maintenance is a prerequisite for clean, clear water and healthy swimming pleasure. |
Phosphorus | According to the Drinking Water Ordinance of January 2003, phosphorus concentrations of well over 2 mg/l are permissible and therefore also possible in swimming and bathing water. The excretions of bathers (e.g. sweat, urine, etc.) also lead to an accumulation of phosphate |
pH value |
The pH value is the most important element of water care. There is no way around it, because The pH value also has an impact on bathers and swimming pools. If the pH-Wert < als 7,0 = sauer Reduction in the effectiveness of disinfection and flocculation, corrosion and unpleasant odors pH value > than 7.4 = alkaline Decrease in effectiveness of disinfection and flocculation, increase in eye irritation, skin intolerance and lime precipitation You can correct your pH value quickly and easily with raising or lowering regulating agents. You can find these in our store at |
PureFlow | PureFlow is the innovative alternative to sand and glass filter material. PureFlow is the winner of the "Innovation" category of the Bavarian Family Entrepreneurs 2017.PureFlow fills the filter chamber completely and contaminated water is forced through the filter layer. Solid contaminants are filtered out in the process. PureFlow consists of pure, certified high-tech fibers made in Germany. PureFlow is free from CFCs, PCBs, formaldehyde and many other harmful substances and is even suitable for allergy sufferers. PureFlow does not release any substances into water and is suitable for allergy sufferers. 1 segment 100x100x45mm corresponds to 6.11 ccm. 320g correspond to ~ 520 ccm. 1 segment = 4.86 km fiber length. 320g = ~350 kg fiber length. 1 segment = 0.61 square meters of surface area, 320g correspond to ~ 51.85 square meters of surface area. |
Cleaning | Clean PureFlow normally by backwashing. At the end of the season, simply remove the PureFlow filter material and wash it out under running water. |
Raw material | PureFlow consists of pure, certified high-tech fibers made in Germany. PureFlow is free from CFCs, PCBs, formaldehyde and many other harmful substances and is even suitable for allergy sufferers. PureFlow does not release any substances into water. |
Red-brown water |
Cause: There are too many iron ions in the water, often caused by the use of well water Solution: 1. Adjust the pH value |
Backwash |
The aim of filtration is to pass a contaminated liquid through a filter medium so that turbidity and solids are trapped in the filter material. Due to the resistance of sand, the liquid must be forced through the filter material under pressure, i.e. using a pump. Sand and glass filter materials require vertical filtration with pressure. Depending on their size, the contaminants remain on the filter or penetrate it. With increasing saturation (storage of solids), the filter material becomes soiled and compacted. This leads to an increase in pressure in the filter housing. If the pressure in the housing reaches a critical value, backwashing is required. This reverses the flow direction of the water with the aim of whirling up and flushing out the filter material and the solids it contains. However, due to the high dead weight of sand or glass filter material, backwashing without oxygen support is not sufficient to completely clean the filter material. The vast majority of the sand or glass filter material, including the contaminants it contains, remains in the filter housing. The filter material becomes encrusted and hardened by oils, grease, dirt and chemicals. The filter remains contaminated and biofouling occurs. If sand or glass filter material remains in a filter container for several years, all samples without exception show a very high and sometimes even harmful level of contamination. Insects are ground up by abrasive, rough filter material and the smallest contaminants sink deeper and deeper into the filter material. These form a breeding ground for microbiology (biofouling) which can increasingly no longer be rinsed out, necessitating the increased use of disinfectants and chemicals. Due to the contaminants introduced, sand filter material hardens and clumps together after a short time and so-called bypasses (channels) are formed through which water can flow unfiltered. As water always seeks the easiest route, it is mainly only passed through these channels and most of the filter remains unused. Professional systems, such as public pools, operate a combined backwash of water and air. PureFlow can be backwashed at any time. Complete rinsing of the lightweight elements significantly shortens your backwashing processes, reduces water consumption and cuts costs. Compared to sand, dirt is removed immediately and much faster. If no dirt is rinsed out, you have too much filter material in the boiler and filter elements lie in front of your rinsing opening and filter the water to be rinsed out. If there is too much material in the boiler, the filter segments have too little space (freeboard) and cannot detach from their filter layer to be flushed through. In this case, please remove some filter material In rare cases, especially with older filter vessels with a backwash pipe > 60 mm without a grid, the PureFlow filter material may be flushed out during backwashing. If there is a possibility of backwashing, please use our backwash grid or prevent backwashing by installing a simple net or grid in front of the opening of the outlet pipe. Regular backwashing and a regular supply of fresh water are important for maintaining high water quality.ückspülen |
Salt water | Can I use PureFlow with salt water? PureFlow is ideal for the filtration of fresh and salt water |
Waste water |
Please do not expect clear water in the filter tank, as dirt should be trapped so that your pool water remains clear and clean. You will not find clear and clean water in a sand filter tank either. Due to the color spectrum of sand and the crushing of organic and inorganic pollutants, the human eye cannot distinguish these dirt particles from sand. In other words, the sand is dirty, you just can't see it. Sand also produces its own cloudiness due to abrasion and decomposition. You can see the dirt in our PureFlow filter. We have deliberately kept our PureFlow filter elements pure white to keep the filtered dirt particles visible and to prove their high efficiency. You only need to take appropriate measures when your pool water starts to become cloudy. See the points under the heading "Maintenance". |
Shock chlorination | Shock treatment (shock chlorination) is recommended to improve the water quality in the event of cloudiness. |
Skimmer |
With our innovative and washable PureFlow skimmer filter, you can prevent up to 80% dirt ingress into your filter vessel / main filter and thus extend its service life |
Flow | Ensure that your bath water remains in motion and is fed to the filter. Avoid areas without flow (dead water spots) |
Flow | If the flow rate is noticeably low, please check the pump and valve as well as all water-bearing systems for blockages. For the optimum water flow or filter speed, please contact your system manufacturer as this depends on the overall technical system and its design. (pool volume, pump capacity, pipe system, etc.) Specific standards apply, such as DIN standard 19643 for pool water treatment. These also contain recommendations and empirical values. |
Pond |
Can I use PureFlow for my swimming pond? Yes, of course. However, there are many types of swimming ponds with different filter systems. In this case, please contact us so that we can get an idea of your system and advise you accordingly. |
THM | Organic halogen compounds are measured as the sum parameter AOX (adsorbable organic halogen compounds) or in the form of the highly volatile THM (trihalomethanes). THMs are volatile and are easily transferred from the water into the indoor air. A maximum value of 0.02 mg/l applies, calculated as trichloromethane in the pool water. If the guideline values for combined chlorine and THM recommended in DIN 19643 are exceeded, the flocculation must be checked first. |
Dead water | Dead water refers to pool areas with stagnant, still water without a current |
Turbidity |
Pool filters can only retain dirt up to a certain size. The smallest particles of dirt are repeatedly washed back into the pool and can cause the pool water to appear cloudy or milky, even though all the water values are correct. So-called flocculants ensure that the small turbidity particles bind together and increase in size and can therefore be filtered out. Turbidity agents can be used both as a cartridge and as a liquid care product in all filter systems. Possible causes of turbidity include
Recommendation for gray clouding: Check the limescale content of your water. Limescale can be deposited in dissolved form but also as a solid on the bottom of your filter bowl. If the contamination is below the filter material, the boiler must be emptied and cleaned Recommendation for green clouding: See Algae / Care Recommended for reddish clouding: If there are iron and manganese components in the water, which often occurs with well water / deep well extraction, these become discolored as soon as they come into contact with oxygen. We have special filters for iron and manganese separation. Please get in touch with us. |
Ultrafiltration | Ultrafiltration membranes consist of hollow polyethersulfone fibers. These have pores in the range of less than 50 nanometers. This is so fine that neither bacteria nor viruses can pass through. The water temperature and therefore the viscosity plays a major role with these small pores. The water leaves the tubes absolutely germ-free. However, dissolved substances such as salts remain in the filtrate. |
Conversion | Conversion from sand or glass filter material to PureFlow is possible at any time and without conversion. Remove the old filter material, clean the filter tank and fill it 75% full with PureFlow. Please remember to disconnect the system from the power supply for safety reasons and to bleed the air if necessary |
Volume |
For correct dosing, you need to know the volume of your pool. The volume of your pool in m3 can be calculated as follows:
Water analysis |
You should check your water values approximately once a week. You can only dose pool chemicals sparingly and efficiently if you check the pH value and the disinfectant content. The pH value should always be between 7.0 and 7.4. The amount of water disinfection depends on the method used, chlorine, active oxygen or bromine. The standard values are:
We offer an electronic water tester for measurement and control in our store electronic water tester in our shop. This is a particularly convenient measuring method using tablets, which accurately displays the pH value and the concentration of the disinfectant used. When measurement with reagent tablets you take small water samples that turn color after the tablet is added. The water values are then read off using a color scale. The Water analysis with test strips is a simple and effective quick test. After approx. 10 seconds, the test fields on the strip change color and can be compared with a reference scale. |